We’re still in Beta. Take our survey here

Learning about UTI,


easy & comfortable

SundayPyjamas AI bot helps you get personalized education about your body, so you can live with pride and freedom.
Powered by GPT 3.5 by OpenAI, Product by SundayPyjamas AI Labs!
Learn about your body and get personalized recommendations
It’s easy, private and comfortable.

How do I safely learn more

about my body?

We believe being healthy shouldn’t be scary and shameful.
How you ask a question is important!
Asking comprehensive questions with the right context in important for the AI to give you personalized answers.
For Example:
I am feeling cramps today. For the past week, my coffee intake was higher than usual. Could you help me understand what might be happening and make a 1 month plan to regulate my period?
Here’s what people are saying
“It's a good step toward destigmatizing issues such as menstrual health and periods.”
22 years
“It will allow me to get my queries answered in a better way.”
25 years
“More hands-on and less scared to ask questions about my health concerns. Can create more awareness and destigmatize these issues at the level of community.”
27 years
“I’d feel safer about the source if I know that this guidance is being provided by trained practitioners. It felt like I was using practo for menstrual health.”
25 years
“It is good that the chat app does recommend to visit a health professional no matter the question.”
29 years
“It could spark conversations about female health”
25 years
“This is a great initiative for people who are hesitant or shy about communicating regarding personal health and hygiene..”
26 years
Understand the Limitation of the AI Systems

While the AI can be a helpful educational tool, the information must not be used as an alternative to professional healthcare providers.


This is not an alternative to a Doctor. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis before taking medications.


Some Known Limitations of the System:

May occasionally generate incorrect information


May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content


Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

We’re still in Beta.

Be a part of our research.

To contribute to our research, fill up a survey form today.
About SundayPyjamas Impact Foundation



SundayPyjamas Impact Foundation is a Section 8 Company, a non profit registered in India. We aim to take some of the ideas and skills we have to solve problems to bring a meaningful change to the ecosystem and enable everyone to create wealth.